Monday, March 9, 2009

The begining draws nigh

To all readers, welcome to my blog! As far as I know, this may be my only post, or that all my posts are rubbish, but occasionally, my thoughts will be clear as crystal, yet as seemingly random as marbles thrown into space: you can tell where they are, but not where they're going.

The insight strikes! A philosophical side emerges! Of all the times... Why couldn't it happen earlier today during the English test! Still, spending 10 minutes of a test watching How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days isn't that bad. Didn't beat Science though. That was time spent playing CS (Counter Strike Source).

Sometimes, while talking about a random subject, I suddenly get that philosophical outlook. The Ratchets change into an incredibly efficient configuration, and everything suddenly has a prupose, and everything else is understandable. These moments don't come often, but using this blog, I will do my best to record them, and share them. You cannot declare these thoughts insane when you read them and understand them.

Which brings me to one of my random intelligent ideas... The game of winning and losing. In a shooting game, no matter what happens, there will always be a winner for every loser. Every time you die and suffer dissapointment and anger, your attacker, the person who bested you, got an equally opposite amount of pleasure and satisfaction. And vise-versa. I'm generally a winner. A conquerer/vanquisher/bastard-with-a-heli. I get pleasure and satisfaction out of winning. Many players who die frequently and repetively, constantly giving out pleasure and taking in dissapointment usually moves to another game where they can hopefully go through the proccess the other way around. These people are like me. They need the drug of success.

What impresses me are the people on a higher level who can give out pleasure and pain and recieve copius amounts of dissapointment, yet they still continue. They don't make an effort to find someone weaker whom they can reverse the process on. No, they continue fighting the better players, and reaping the losses.

How do they deal with constant disapointment, I ask myself? They do what few can. They refine the dissapointment into pleasure through the thought of supplying it to the victors. These are people who enjoy the gift of giving, and get pleasure from the thought that their enduring x amount of pain is x amount of pleasure for someone else. They endure suffering to make others happy, and through them, themselves.

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